Over the first weekend of the school holidays, Trinity Church Colonel Light Gardens, Tonsley, Unley, Woodcroft and Brighton ran their third Summit Camp for year 7-12 students.
For two and a half days, 60 youth and 15 youth leaders spent time together thinking about the theme of God’s ‘Amazing Grace’. We looked at three different figures who interacted with Jesus in the first five chapters of John’s gospel.
One man scoffed at Jesus when they heard about him, another man thought they had everything figured out when they met Jesus, and there was a woman who was a bit of an outcast and was wondering why Jesus would want to speak to her. Jesus showed grace to them all.
We were reminded throughout the weekend that Jesus wants to show grace to us too, and that we are called to trust in and follow the only one who can forgive our sin and deal with the judgement we deserve so that we can have a relationship with God. We were reminded that whether you’re someone who scoffs at Jesus, who thinks you have it all together, or who feels like there’s no place for you, we all need God’s grace and Jesus wants to show grace to you.
We also played games, had a quiz night featuring a planking competition that brought the camp to a standstill, and had plenty of opportunity for discussion and time together around the Bible in small groups. In seminars we looked at how to live in response to God’s grace every day, how to share your testimony, and also how to think about the world we inhabit in light of the new creation to come. We also heard testimonies, shared songs and stories, and despite some wild weather, had a fantastic time on Summit Camp 2023!
It was an amazing weekend away together, and we’re so thankful to God for the time we got to spend in His Word and in fellowship together, being reminded of our great need for God’s grace.