Summit Camp was held on April 12-14 this year, with 63 youth and 21 leaders from the southern Trinity Churches (Brighton, Colonel Light Gardens, Tonsley, Unley and Woodcroft).
It was a really encouraging time together with Bible College SA student, Jonny Broman from St Barnabas Croydon, giving the key talks on the resurrection from 1 Corinthians 15. Jonny connected wonderfully well with the youth as we explored together the facts of the resurrection (past), the implications of the resurrection (now), and the glories of what awaits us in the resurrection (future).
We also had four seminars for youth to choose from:
- ‘Make some noise – music and worship’
- ‘Science and faith’
- ‘Girl talk’ (which was so popular we had to run it twice)
- ‘Making your faith your own’
Although we’re aiming for five times the fire power next year (it was cold!), our ‘starside’ evening under the stars with music and testimonies was great. We were served wonderfully well by Che and the team with awesome food, we had great Bible study leaders, a quiz night, night hike and plenty of informal times to hang out and build relationships.
It was particularly encouraging to see a diversity of youth on the camp with some not having had an experience before to think deeply and experience Christian community in such a great way. I was also really encouraged to see so many of our youth growing to maturity in Christ with engaging conversations and tangible acts of love for one another too.
Overall, I think such weekends end up being really spiritually significant for a good number of our youth, and it was a great joy to serve alongside such a passionate group of leaders. The whole Summit team came away so thankful to God for his kindness to us in Jesus and the eternal hope we have in Jesus.
Below you can watch a short video showing some of the highlights of Summit Camp 2024.