Northern Trinity Churches Combined Service

Northern Trinity Churches Combined Service

On Sunday 28 July, the northern churches of the Trinity Network – Trinity Church Modbury, Trinity Church Golden Grove, Trinity Church Para Hills, and Trinity Church Campbelltown – gathered for a significant Combined Sunday. The service began with a spirited welcome and a worship session led by a combined band of musicians from all four churches, setting a tone of unity and celebration.

The worship was followed by an engaging “All Kids Age” segment. Special guest Grylled Coops delighted the children with his “Pastor vs Wild” presentation, exploring the themes of salvation in a way that was both fun and educational, making complex concepts accessible to our youngest members.

The service deepened in impact with an interview with Paul Harrington, where he shared insights into his personal journey and calling to ministry. This was a profound moment that allowed the congregation to connect with Paul on a more personal level, adding depth to the messages he would later deliver in his sermon.

After the interview, Paul delivered a powerful sermon, highlighting the growth and spiritual journey of our northern churches from the foundation of Trinity Church Modbury in 2010 to today. He stressed the blessing of salvation through Christ and our duty to share this gift with those who have not yet received it. His message reinforced our collective mission to spread the gospel and was a poignant reminder of the ongoing work ahead for our community.

Following the sermon, the congregation engaged in a reflective time of prayer, contemplating the divine work in our lives and the broader challenges we face. A moving testimony from a new member, who began attending after the previous year’s Combined Service, underscored the transformative power of our church community. Her story of overcoming struggles with Gender Identity Disorder highlighted the supportive and accepting nature of our church family.

This Combined Service marked the launch of this year’s Big Questions series, challenging the congregation with the thought-provoking question: “What do you think gives life meaning and purpose?” The congregation is encouraged to engage friends, family, and others in meaningful, deeper conversations. This initiative aims to spark insightful dialogues that extend beyond our church walls, fostering a deeper understanding of faith and life’s significant questions.

The service wrapped up with a fellowship time over morning tea, where church members from all locations mingled, shared stories, and strengthened their bonds. This was a beautiful close to a day filled with spiritual nourishment and community connection.

It was a day that celebrated unity, encouragement, and renewed dedication to our mission. We are immensely thankful for everyone who participated and are eager to see how the seeds planted during this service will grow and flourish in our community.