From One Generation To The Next

From One Generation To The Next

One of my favourite memory verses is Psalm 71:18:

“Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.”

It’s a powerful reminder that one of the responsibilities of each generation of believers is to pray for and work towards the ongoing proclamation of the gospel, even after we are gone.

To that end, the Trinity Network has always been keen to play its part in raising up vocational ministry leaders who will equip God’s people (Ephesians 4) to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28).

One of the main ways we do so is through our participation in the Ministry Apprenticeship Program (MAP), which is a partnership amongst evangelical churches and ministries in South Australia to offer two-year, full-time apprenticeships to those considering vocational ministry. There are currently five Ministry Apprentices in Trinity churches – please pray that God would raise up many more in the years to come.

In particular, could you please uphold the annual CV Conference (September 27-28) in your prayers? CV Conference brings together men and women from across churches in Adelaide to be challenged to consider the nature and needs of vocational ministry. For many of our current pastors, CV Conference played a significant role in ‘moving them forward’ in their thinking. It would be great to see that happen again in 2024!

Please speak to your Senior Pastor if you have questions, comments or feedback about either of these great initiatives!