We’re doing Acts 8-15 in Term 1 at Trinity Church Lockleys. We did Acts 1-7 last year, and now we’re picking up where we left off. It’s a great read (as you already know). But it’s also an encouraging one, for the following reason.
At the very start of Acts, Luke says this:
In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach until the day he was taken up to heaven …
Acts 1:1-2a
He’s referring to his Gospel, the Gospel of Luke, in which he describes the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. But isn’t it interesting? He describes his Gospel as the record of what Jesus ‘began’ to do and to teach. That implies that Acts – the sequel to Luke’s Gospel – will be about what Jesus continued to do and teach after he was taken up to heaven. You’d think that, once Jesus had ascended to heaven, he’d be done doing and teaching! But clearly not. No, Jesus continued ‘to do and to teach’ after he rose to heaven, and is still doing so now.
How? Acts 2 makes it clear: by his Spirit. By his Spirit, Jesus is continuing to lead his mission, from heaven, until he returns.
And what is his mission? He told his disciples before he left.
You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth
Acts 1:8
In summary: Jesus is still working, now, from heaven, by his Spirit, as his disciples – you and me – take the gospel into the world.
This is great to know as we start another ministry year.
It can be daunting getting everything ready for the start of the year. We’re busy putting the finishing touches on our kids’ programs, and starting Growth Groups again, and recruiting all the last-minute leaders we need for church. We have big plans for the year. But it can be lonely work. Who knows if anyone will be here in two hours’ time to fill the seats I’m putting out now? And is it all up to me to make sure that they are? Do I have any help in this work, or am I on my own?
God tells you: you’re not on your own. Jesus is with you. Jesus didn’t ascend to heaven just to put his feet up and wait for the second coming. No, he is leading the mission of his church right now, by his Spirit. He is helping you get kids’ church ready this week and picking who will come and sit in the chairs you’ve laid out. He’s helping you put the finishing touches on your sermon and guiding the band as it practices. He is here. He is busy. And he is absolutely unstoppable. Jesus is determined to build his church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
So remember that as you start your ministry again this year, you are not alone. Jesus is with you. And one day, when all of this is over, he will return and bring you home to live with him forever.
And that, as they say, is an encouraging thought.