Redefinition (riːdefɪnɪʃən) noun : the action or process of defining something again or differently.
On Friday 7 July, about 100 youth from across Adelaide (including 64 from the Trinity Network) went down to Dzintari in Yankalilla for the annual EFAC Youth Camp, Redefinition (or Redef). And what a camp it was!
We unpacked Paul’s letter to the church in Rome, with Oli van Ruth (Grace Hills Church, Mount Barker) and Lauren Hansen (Trinity Church Colonel Light Gardens) calling us to see how Jesus offers a better story than the world can, and how Jesus brings us true freedom and new life. In a world filled with sin, brokenness and suffering, we are so powerfully loved by a God who died for his enemies (Romans 5:8). What a message to be reminded of and called to be defined by!
Besides the talks and small groups, we were well served by workshop leaders from across Adelaide who helped discuss topics like social media and AI, dating as Christians, biblical meditation, answering tough questions about the faith, and being godly men and women in a world that offers so many other stories about what it looks like to be a guy or a girl.
Throw all that teaching in with the other half of our youth camp experience: activities. From hunting across the campsite for Latin clues to unpack, to running around with Nerf guns at night and shooting unarmed leaders (more than seemed necessary), to a big walk into town, and with leaders vs. campers soccer (which the leaders won despite being outnumbered in the first half) and a round of rotations between indoor bowls and chair netball, there was plenty going on to keep us busy!
As a team, the Redefition Exec are so thankful for the support of many churches in the Trinity Network. We had Trudie Langkilde from Trinity Church Tonsley coordinating the kitchen and making sure we were all well fed (!), and 24 (out of 33) leaders were from the Trinity Network too. Thank you for your support and prayer in the lead up to and duration of Redef!
Redefinition Youth Camp has been around in South Australia since 2001 (albeit with a couple of missed years), and continues to be used by God to grow youth from across South Australia in their faith and call those who don’t know Jesus yet to repentance. If you’ve got teens in your life, why not encourage them to come along next year? July 5-9, 2024. Lock it in now!